
Character Design

Part 1

Part 2

I enjoy creating stories, and one of the best aspects of stories is the characters. So, I decided to make some early concept designs of a few of the characters in a story I created, called Phantoms. The Phantoms are these supernatural beings that inhabit Earth and are known to be these fearful creatures amongst the humans. Yet this story follows a group of edgy teenage Phantoms that paint the opposite picture of what people believe them to be. All they care about is having gun and going on adventures, but as they get older, they will realize that they will eventually have to become the fearful beings they are known as.

Phantoms Poster

The story of Phantoms took over my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the ideas that sprung in my head. I created several pieces of artwork related to these characters I came up with. This particular one is a poster showcasing one of the enemies that the Phantoms come across. The character’s name is Tear’ur (Terror), and he has a very extreme design compared to the others. The design of the poster was inspired by heavy metal album covers, to give it more edge.

Sonic Poster

Sonic was a big part of my childhood as it was the first videogame I ever played. So, I decided to make a poster based on a still frame of a cutscene from the videogame, Sonic® CD in my own style.

The Constellations

This is a chart of all the constellations within view from our eyes. There is a total of 88 constellations, and I organized all of them into 6 different categories to view them in a much clearer format.

Hallo Spaceboy

This was an album cover that I made based off the song Hallo Spaceboy from David Bowie. I was not a very big David Bowie fan, as I never heard any of songs. This was the first song I ever listened from him, and it really stuck with me. The irony of the song really got my attention, as the lyrics paint the astronaut saying goodbye.

Traditional Work

Dinner with Marty McFly

A watercolor painting of the viewer having dinner with Marty McFly from Back to the Future. Complete with the Pepsi Perfect and McFly farm as the background.


A colored pencil illustration of my fear, trypophobia, the fear of holes. Showcasing a giant hole leading into many holes which also lead into many holes.


An ink and nib drawing of a blue jay. The piece is called Mordecai, referencing the character that is the same bird in the cartoon, Regular Show.